Cúl Camp July 10th to 14th
Cul Camp will take place from July 10th to 14th in Drombane from 10.00 a.m. to 2.30 pm. Cost is 60 euros for the first child, 50 for the second and 40 for the third and fourth. The camp is open to children between the ages of 6 and 13. Each child receives a a free Kellogg's GAA T shirt, training top and backpack.
Bookings can be made online at https://www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie/booking/?county=28&venue=825&year=2017
Coordinators are Michael Corcoran and Conor Ryan Long
For more information please visit the Cul Camp web site https://www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie/about-cul-camps/