Upperchurch Drombane GAA

Founded 1886

Co. Tipperary

New Field Benefactor Scheme


Everyone associated with Upperchurch-Drombane put in a huge effort in 2022/2023 to make the “WIN A NEW JOHN DEERE” Tractor Raffle a massive success. The sale of 10,414 tickets financed the full purchase cost of the 12.6 acres surrounding our clubhouse. Acquiring this additional land gives us the opportunity to develop additional facilities to accommodate the expanding number of people and teams who use the facilities on a daily basis.

We are now ready to develop this land into playing facilities and the committee has agreed the following list of development projects which we aim to complete in 2024:
The club have decided to seek the support of parishioners, supporters, members, parents and players of both Upperchurch – Drombane GAA Club and Slieve Felim Rapparees Camogie and Ladies Football Club to help fund the development of the new playing facilities on the land purchased in April 2023. This initiative is called the “NEW FIELD BENEFACTOR SCHEME”. We are implementing this scheme for the following reasons: -
a) We will save on paying interest of approximately €60,000, by reducing the €200,000 loan term from 10-years to four years.
b) This is a tax efficient scheme for taxpayers and the club will also get a significant rebate.
c) We will get our new facilities developed in a shorter period of time.

The details of the scheme are as follows: -
To become a “NEW FIELD BENEFACTOR” we are asking for a donation of €1,000, which can be paid in any one of the five ways listed below:

1. Single lump sum payment of €1,000 - Link to donate

2. Two lump sum payments of €500, over the course of 2 years - Link to donate

3. Four lump sum payments of €250, over the course of 4 years - Link to donate

4. 10 monthly payments of €100 each - Link to donate

5. 20 Monthly payments of €50 each - Link to donate

  • Upperchurch-Drombane GAA Club have received a Certificate of Approval under the terms of Section 847a of the Taxes Consolidation Act where Upperchurch-Drombane GAA Club can claim tax relief on all donations of €250+ made by a PAYE Taxpayer.
  • The certificate of approval permits taxpayers who have self-employed or other income claim tax relief when they make their annual tax return
  • So, for example if a self-employed taxpayer makes a donation of €250 in 2024, they will receive a tax refund of €100 after completing their tax return, if taxed at 40%. In this instance, the annual cost for the taxpayer of the “NEW BENEFACTOR SCHEME” will be €150 a year. A minimum donation of €250 needs to be paid in the tax year.
  • The names of all “NEW FIELD BENEFACTORS” will be displayed on a permanent structure to be erected at the entrance to the new field

  • Applicants can join the scheme immediately and make the first payment in any of the following ways: - 
    • Pay online at the links above
    • Complete an Electronic Fund Transfer to the Bank Account details below. 
    • Set up a standing order for one of the monthly payment options using the bank details below. 
      • Bank Address: Bank Of Ireland, Liberty Square, Thurles
      • IBAN: IE23 BOFI 9044 6425 7321 87
      • BIC: BOFIIE2D
    • Pay by cash, cheque or card.

  • We encourage as many people as possible to join with us in supporting this scheme to develop and improve our facilities for the current generation of players and all future generations that will be able to avail of these facilities.
  • Committee members will be reaching out to promote the benefits of the scheme, answer any questions you may have and encourage people to join.
  • Becoming a “NEW FIELD BENEFACTOR” will aid the development of top-class facilities for current and future generations of Upperchurch-Drombane. If you are interested in joining, please sign up at the links above, or contact any of the Upperchurch-Drombane GAA Club Committee members.
  • We would like to get all NEW FIELD BENEFACTORS to join up in 2024. To avail of the tax saving in 2024 a minimum contribution of €250 will need to be made before December 31st, 2024.
  • We greatly appreciate all of the support we get every day in every way from everyone associated with Upperchurch-Drombane, and we are confident that everybody will be proud of the new facilities when we put them into use in 2025. 

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